19 June 2024 

Written by Milpark 

Ahead of Youth Day on 16 June 2024, we spoke to some young Milpark students and graduates about their dreams for South Africa and themselves — as well as the biggest  challenges they think SA’s youth face right now. How equal opportunity can help keep the youth motivated for success?

Education Is the Key to Success

Lethubuhle Nompumelelo Hlatshwayo may be only 20 years old, but this young woman from Piet Retief in Mpumalanga has some strong opinions about the future.

“We, the young people, hold significant political influence and are directly impacted by the decisions government makes. I firmly believe that South Africa is in need of change,” said the student currently studying towards her chartered accountancy CA (SA) qualification.

“Balancing my studies and articles has been challenging, but I remain resilient, driven by the vision of a brighter future.” She adds, “I firmly believe in the adage that education is the cornerstone of success.”

Even though most young people would agree with her, the pressures on them are intense and manifold. Many are juggling extra jobs, the lack of equal opportunity and family responsibilities along with other issues. There is hardly any time — or money — to study and then again, isn’t being young about going out and having some fun? Is this all there is to life? Work, struggle, work some more?

Taking Advantage of Opportunities for African Youth

Luyanda Malevu, 26, says young people don’t have an easy time in SA. “There are things in life you can’t control, like unemployment in this country,” he says. But there is much that young people can control, he says, like seeing every equal opportunity given to them as a chance to learn and to become the best version of yourself. “Give those moments every bit of energy you have. The breakthrough will be found there!”

Kayla du Preez, 24, agrees that things are not simple for the youth. She says the biggest advice she can give to others following her graduation with a PGDip qualification is to believe in yourself. 

“Have the confidence that you can do it is vital. At my graduation, I saw the proof that so many of us have done it and you can too! Anyone can do this.” She says many young people are battling anxiety, depression and other mental health issues, making it harder for them to study further.

But there is so much support out there, and at Milpark, she says students get equal opportunity and plenty of academic as well as psycho-social support to help them achieve their goals.

She stresses that it is important to find the resilience to get up again after being knocked down by bad news, or a poor test result, or someone’s wounding comments about your abilities. “Remember that you are not defined by your challenges but by your unwavering determination to overcome them!”

Education as A Daily Motivation

Zamashenge Buthelezi, 25, knows all about how hard it can be to keep motivating yourself. She had made numerous attempts to get her PGDip but failed for various reasons, even taking a break from her studies for some time. But she came back to it — and finally, she succeeded in graduating.

She puts it this way, “Education is the one thing no-one can take away from you. It’s an investment that yields the greatest returns. It is the key to unlocking your potential and achieving your dreams. Embrace the challenges, for they are the stepping stones to success.”

Read More: The student who failed Board Exams 6 times is finally heading for success!

SA’s youth are determined to succeed, says Lethubuhle. They know that they need to educate themselves and that this will empower and enable them to help themselves as well as others. The party will come later, she says, after graduation.

“Education does not only enhance personal lives but also contributes to the prosperity of our nation, fostering informed decision-making and intergenerational wealth,” she says.

It seems this is how our youth will celebrate Youth Day at Milpark over the weekend — by studying and investing in their own and SA’s brighter future! With equal opportunity, we can do more as the youth.

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