Bridging Programme for the Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting

The SAICA-accredited Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) in Accounting degree has a minimum admission requirement in respect of Mathematics. The Bridging Programme offered by Milpark Education will assist students to achieve the minimum admission requirement and enable them to enrol for the BCom in Accounting degree.

This programme is designed for students who achieved a bachelor’s pass in their Senior Certificate or National Senior Certificate examination, but did not meet the minimum Mathematics requirement.

Next Start Date

24 February 2025


6 months

NQF Level






About the Programme

The Bridging Programme is designed to improve the mathematical abilities of students intending to enrol for the SAICA-accredited BCom in Accounting degree, and runs for a full semester, only on the Distance Learning Online study mode. A combination of foundational and core skills derived from the compulsory modules built in the semester of study will ensure that students adapt effectively in the full BCom in Accounting degree.

On successful completion of the programme, the student will be entitled to be admitted into the SAICA-accredited Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting degree, as accredited by the Higher Education Quality Committee of the Council on Higher Education (CHE).

What We Offer 

  • Flexible learning that fits around your work and life. 
  • A structured weekly journey with easy-to-follow schedules.
  • Lecturers available for guidance during the day and after hours.
  • An engaging and supportive community walking the learning journey with you.

Programme Structure

The programme consists of four compulsory modules that are offered in both semesters during a year. These are:

  • Introduction to Professional Accounting Studies
  • Digital Skills for Financial Analysis
  • Financial Reporting Principles
  • Mathematical Principles for Financial Analysis

  • A flexible six-month, online programme. 
  • There are two intakes each year (February and July).
  • Compulsory modules must be completed by all students, in order to be admitted to the BCom in Accounting degree.
  • Candidates will receive credits for the relevant modules passed, when they enrol for the BCom in Accounting degree.
  • Candidates may NOT register for any other modules unless they have registered for Introduction to Professional Accounting Studies.

  • A series of bite-sized videos covering all key concepts.
  • Quizzes to test your knowledge.
  • Comprehensive and flexible academic and non-academic (psychosocial) support.
  • One-on-one live online consultations with lecturers.
  • Weekly live online group discussions for each subject.
  • Mentorship from lecturers and past students.

Applicants require a Senior Certificate with endorsement/exemption or a National Senior Certificate.

Minimum Admission Requirements

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Candidates who have achieved a Senior Certificate or a National Senior Certificate with a bachelor’s pass, but do not meet the Mathematics requirement set by Milpark for admission onto the BCom in Accounting degree, may be admitted to the Bridging Programme, provided that they have achieved at least a symbol of E on HG or a C on SG with their Senior Certificate or a minimum mark of 50% or higher with their National Senior Certificate in any two of the following subjects:

• Economics
• Business Economics
• Accounting
• Physical Science or Physics/Chemistry
• Natural Science or Biology.

Resources and Support Information


Download our factsheet for everything you need to know about our Bridging Programme for the BCom in Accounting.   


Access the full textbook list to ensure you have all required materials for your studies. 

Fees and Payment Terms

Explore a detailed fees breakdown for the Bridging Programme for Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting to plan your career investment.


Explore our course schedule to effectively plan your Milpark Education journey. 

Technology Requirements

Ensure you're prepared with the necessary tech requirements to optimise your online learning experience.

Pathway to becoming a CA

Explore your path to becoming a Chartered Accountant CA(SA).

Distance Learning Online

Milpark’s instructor-led online programmes offer flexible learning, as well as access to all content, activities, and assessments in our virtual learning environment. You’ll receive milestones to ensure you are focused, and regular online engagement with lecturers to support your learning. For all modules, you can also attend live classes or watch recordings at your convenience and be part of the online community of students.


Learn More

Watch our short video's below to learn more about we support your learning.


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